Rëm.xx proposal for Rumelange participation in European Capital of Culture 2022

habitants’ lifes to be touched

areas of action (art, people, space, heritage)

aims (inspire, empower, co-create)

revisited version of a former mining town

Esch-sur-Alzette, the South of Luxembourg and eight neighbouring French municipalities will be the host of the 2022 European Capital of Culture. In this context Rumelange will be one of the municipalities to be in the spotlight during 2022 and beyond. The Impact Lab was commissioned by the municipality of Rumelange to develop the strategic proposal for the Esch 2022 call for projects.

Guided by The Impact Lab Method(TM), we have developed a coherent project proposal responding to the strict criteria of the call: –  consistency with the “Remix” theme, European dimension and values, collaboration and partnerships, interdisciplinarity, equal opportunities, innovative and creative approach of interest to the public, promotion of cultural activities, artistic quality, added value in terms of cultural and social cohesion and solidarity, long-term durability and cultural development, ecology and feasibility and funding criteria.

Rëm.xx is a proposal of a project with a strong societal impact, comprising four fields of action (people, spaces, art and heritage), which aims to reposition Rumelange as a modern, open and dynamic city, resolutely oriented towards the future while valuing its past. A city where authenticity rhymes with collaborative innovation and where collective intelligence is called upon to find effective solutions to multiple societal challenges. The project is hosted by the Albert Hames site for which an innovative strategic concept has recently been developed by The Impact Lab. Rëm.xx is grafted onto the launch of the Albert Hames site, while pushing the thematic hook of the latter – the erasing of the borders between people, spaces, arts and heritage – to the extreme to create new environments, practices and uses. The purpose of Rëm.xx can be summed up in three words: inspire, equip, co-create.