Collaborative changemaking for the revision of national spatial planning programme

open call applications to participate


mapped and analysed other stakeholders

regional labs

different lab sessions

commuter groups

ministries and administrations in 1 Policy Lab

goal: a revised national spatial planning programme

Commissioned by the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure, our assignment was to develop and implement a ‘Collaborative Changemaking’ strategy involving a participatory process with a broad involvement of and co-creation by citizens, policymakers, other stakeholders and experts in a fully interactive guided collaboration. The common goal: revision of the national spatial planning programme (programme directeur d’aménagement du territoire – PDAT).

Guided by The Impact Lab Method™, we have applied a combination of approaches to this end, including the organisation and running of:
– the very first Policy Lab in Luxembourg (to work out the common vision and manifesto for national spatial planning, to guide the participatory process, cutting across different topics and geographies, and to stimulate a sustainable awareness-raising process among the different government bodies and institutions about the cross sectorial importance of spatial planning),
four Regional Labs (held de-centrally in four pre-defined regions, each organised around five themes),
three Commuter Opinion Groups (to include the perspective of transfrontaliers in the process),
a National Labs Marathon (to work out cross-regional visions and recommendations for spatial planning and present them to the Minister and Secretary of State)
– all supported by a public communication campaign.
Various forms and degrees of co-creation have been used throughout the process.

The project has successfully achieved large and extremely diverse participation of the population as well as other stakeholders (including municipalities and other ministries). Overall, more than 550 people have applied to participate in the process through an open call, 350 more have been identified in extensive stakeholder mapping. Based on a combination of lotteries and stakeholder analysis, more than 300 people have been invited to actively participate in the Regional Labs, and representatives of more than 20 ministries and administrations in the Policy Lab work. The main goals of the project (raise citizens’ and other stakeholders’ awareness of spatial planning, stimulate citizens’ and other stakeholders’ direct involvement in the revision process, reflect regional specificities and result in high-quality recommendations for the revised PDAT, supported by an inter-ministerial involvement in the topic) have already been achieved.

#collaborative changemaking, #strategy, #innovation labs, #stakeholder mapping, #policy lab, #policy making, #collaboration design, #spatial planning